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Forest & Wildlife Conservation in Brazil

Protect and restore Brazil's unique Atlantic rainforest
From Only €198 per week

Secure your place for only €25.00

  • Iracambi is a community of people around the world whose vision is to see the beautiful Brazilian Atlantic Forest restored, with prosperous communities living in a flourishing landscape. In our headquarters in Minas Gerais, the Iracambi Research Center spearheads our work in managing natural resources, educating for sustainability, and researching ecosystems and how we impact them.

    Iracambi is a non-profit, registered in Brazil and the US, and located in one of the world’s top biodiversity hotspots: Brazil’s Atlantic Forest.  At Iracambi you’ll be on the front line of biodiversity conservation and sustainability and you’ll gain firsthand experience in biodiversity conservation, (agroforestry, reforestation, medicinal plants, forest monitoring,) and sustainability, (community outreach and environmental education.) So, whether you’re collecting seeds in the forest, working in our forest nursery, planting trees on local farms, cataloging medicinal plants, harvesting coffee, maintaining our forest trails, making videos and adding to our photo library, or riding the school bus to the village to share your language and culture with local school kids, you’ll be having a ball, contributing your skills to a great cause, and learning all sorts of things you never thought you could. Because Iracambi is all about Saving Forests and Changing Lives, and you are warmly welcomed to become a part of it!

    We’ve been here for twenty one years, and during that time we’ve planted over 165,000 native forest trees, founded the first program of environmental education in the region, set up the first web-based GIS, created thousands of acres of protected areas, hosted 2000 students, researchers and volunteers from 67 countries, and impacted the lives of thousands of people in our region: the Serra do Brigadeiro mountains.

    Our alumni (we call them Iracambistas,) can be found across the world in academia, business, the arts, government, and international organizations. They work as doctors, teachers, lawyers, scientists, personal coaches, writers, film makers, GIS techies, farmers, and all manner of activities directed at making the world a better place. Whether you spend a week with us, or six months, you will go out enriched, and you will enrich your surroundings, wherever they may be.

    Facilities in the Iracambi Rainforest Conservation and Research Center include accommodation for 28 researchers, volunteers and visitors, classroom/computer lab, field laboratory, our multi-use Forest House, restaurant, forest nursery, system of forest trails and a GIS.

    Iracambi focuses on Conserving, Restoring, and Protecting the extraordinary biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest, working alongside the local community to promote sustainable developments. Their vision is to see the beautiful Brazilian Atlantic Forest restored, with prosperous communities living in a flourishing landscape, and their programs are designed to include applied research and practical techniques of conservation.

    Iracambi is what you make of it …. Whether you are volunteering, studying, Interning, or visiting Iracambi provides you with a fantastic opportunity to be part of a lifestyle that is likely to be extraordinarily different from what you are used to. Volunteering with Iracambi is a fantastic way of making a real difference in the local community. Few organizations can offer you the opportunity to participate in such a broad variety of conservation programs, events and activities. All against the beautiful back drop of the Atlantic Rainforest!

    They will match your skills and experience to one of our exciting programs. You’ll meet like-minded people from around the world, experience everything the rainforest has to offer and make a lasting impact.

    • Volunteer within the biodiversity rich Atlantic rainforest in Brazil.

    • Work and help protect the unique ecosystems in the largest rainforest in the Amazon.​

    • Diverse and hands on work with plenty to do and experience.

    • You will develop new transferable skills and gain industry experience that match your passion and interests.

    • Learn dense forest mapping and navigational skills.

    • Experience day off adventures and embrace the local culture, sights & attractions.

  • Iracambi aims to conserve, restore, and protect the extraordinary biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest by working alongside local communities and promoting sustainable practices. They aspire to restore the forest's natural beauty and foster prosperous communities that thrive in harmony with their environment. The organization is committed to educating and involving the local youth through environmental programs, aiming to raise a new generation of Young Eco Leaders.

  • With an abundance of opportunities and activities to get involved in, you are able to dive in and help save the forest as Iracambi offers it all! They also run environmental education programs for local school children with the objective of raising a new generation of Young Eco Leaders.

    Reforestation: You'll find our nursery manager hard at work  every day, and you can help him plant new seedlings, harvest  seeds, and take care of the seedlings to be planted. Our model  of forest restoration includes education, advocacy, a lot of  work in the nursery during the rest of the year, and large scale  community involvement. This project needs most help during  the wet season -normally November through March, but this  can vary from year to year.   

    Living Pharmacy: Volunteers help offsite in a project of analog  agroforestry: an approach to sustainable farming that enables a  new model of food production dynamics together with natural  regeneration of the forest.   

    Camera Traps: Used to monitor fauna activity in the  surrounding area, and pinpoint the existence (or lack) of  particular species.  This involves cataloging animals and plants,  taking pictures, making notes and identifying the different species.   


     Environmental Education: Working in local schools with our  program of environmental education Young Eco Leaders.    

    Trail Maintenance: We have a system of forest trails which is  used by researchers, schoolchildren, volunteers and visitors to  Iracambi. The trails require regular maintenance, signage and  cleaning. GIS: Collecting data for mapping a new reforestation trial area  and marking out the trial plots. This is ongoing work and it  depends on your interest and skills.   


    Ecosystem Monitoring: Iracambi has a lot of work to do putting  together this information every month, and volunteers are more  than welcome to help us in this very important process that  integrates with the GIS system.  

    Photographers and Movie Producers: Volunteers are welcome  to make videos, photos and any type of audiovisual production.  We also plan to produce a video every month with the  volunteers who are present to showcase our activities. 

     Reserve Maintenance and Gardening: If you are interested in  getting your hands dirty and helping us, this place is right for  you. 

    Communications: Improving our website and social media,  creating informative videos, creating material for students and  universities about everything we offer, writing grants and  fundraising, seeking partners for our organization  - all part of  giving us greater visibility, attracting more people and increasing  our impact.  

    Fundraising Assistant: Help our fundraiser look for new  partners, companies and associates which have the same  interests and values as Iracambi, thereby helping our NGO to  have an ever wider impact. 

    Volunteer Coordinator Assistant: Your job is to understand  what the NGO has to offer, and help our volunteers make the  most of their time at Iracambi.  

    Your own project: At Iracambi you are welcome to create your  own project and figure out new ways of helping the environment  and the community. Several ideas have already been developed  by former volunteers, and have been very successful.

     Be the change you want to see!

  • Life at  Iracambi 

     Iracambi is what you  make of it...  Studying, interning, volunteering or visiting  Iracambi provides you with a fantastic  opportunity to be part of a lifestyle that is  likely very different from what you are used  to.  

    You will be sharing the Research and  Conservation Center with people of many  different nationalities, backgrounds, skills,  ages and interest, and everything right in  the center of Atlantic Rainforest.  You be living either in the Center itself or in  one of the five cabins.  The Center, which is  75 years old, has four bedrooms, each  sleeping two people, a living room, library  and two bathrooms. The cabins each have  two bedrooms, bathroom and a living room.  The houses are well maintained and have  electricity, hot showers and wireless access  24 hours a day.  We have a restaurant,  run by Larissa, that  provides three delicious meals a day.

  • Volunteer 1 Month +

    €198 Per Week

    Volunteer less than a month

    €208 Per Week


Additional Info

Volunteer info & Weekend Activities

  • Iracambi matches volunteers’ skills and experiences to suitable programs, ensuring a fulfilling and impactful stay.

  • Volunteers will meet people from around the world, enjoying a unique lifestyle vastly different from their usual environment.

  • For more details or to apply for a volunteer position, interested individuals can contact Iracambi directly.

Weekend Activities  

Hiking with or without camping: If you enjoy hiking, we’re sure you’ll love Iracambi, as there are a over 10+ extraordinary hikes incuding waterfalls trails, nature trails and viewpoint trails and much more.  

ATVs: Touring the region in quadricycles is  fantastic, this great adventure is operated  by our partner Green Adventures with  departures from Iracambi.    

Kayaking: Want to paddle down the river?  It is approximately 3 hours down the river,  also operated by our partner Green  Adventures with departures from Iracambi.     

Bike: One of the best options for those  who like to bike, the whole region is just  perfect for the activity. Do it on your own,  or with our partner Green Adventures.           

Rural Experience: Want to know the  secrets of the farm? Honey production,  cachaça production, how to make cheese.  Also possible with our partner Green  Adventures.  

Social events:  Bonfires: We often make a bonfire on  the weekends, and bonfires are almost  always accompanied by Caipirinha, a  traditional and famous Brazilian drink.

Local festivals: Whenever there are  local parties and feast days in the  communities or in Rosário da Limeira we  join in. It’s a great way of interacting  with the community and also having  fun.

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